Green Property Solutions

Sustainable Real Estate Solutions for Investors and Homeowners

The Triad’s Boutique Property Solution

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned commercial investor, looking at your property from a sustainable perspective will save you money and increase the value of your property while being helpful to our planet.

Green Property Solutions understands that we can all do our part to conserve energy, water, and waste as a way to make our planet a better place. Looking at a property from a sustainable perspective allows owners to make the wisest investments and upgrades to their property. Let Green Property Solutions show you how to maximize your investment!

Free Consultation

Let’s find out how Green Property Solutions can help you achieve your real estate goals!

    Let us help you find the perfect property for you!

    • 336-624-6200

    Residential Properties

    Commercial Rentals

    Property Management

    Tiny Homes…the Wave of the Future

    These little homes are making a big splash because they are so different from what we’ve always been told about real estate. It used to be we wanted the large home with 2 car garage on a large flat ½ acre lot. Today, more and more people say they don’t want to be ‘house poor’. They want to be out and about and live life by experiencing adventures. If you want to know if a Tiny House is for you, give us a call and tour the GPS Tiny House. We can answer questions and offer advice should you be interested in building your own…or we can help you build a tiny house.


    Tiny House

    272sf Tiny Home with all the luxuries of any home. Mini-split heat/air, full house water filtration system, full bathroom with a composting toilet. Can be moved to your choice of location within 200 miles of Winston-Salem, NC, additional charges outside area. Sell Price: $63,000.00 [Learn More]


    Here’s what our customers say about our services:

    During the past four years as property manager of the building I own in downtown Winston-Salem, Teresa Drummond has earned my highest respect for her attentive professionalism and personal caring of all aspects of property management from the marginal to the most complex of issues. Without reservation, I highly recommend the property management services of Green Property Solutions, LLC.


    ~Robert de la Vergne

    Teresa managed my home improvement project so I didn’t have to do it. Worth. Every. Penny. She’s reasonably priced, knows her stuff, and cares about the outcome as if it were her house. Hire Teresa to handle the projects you don’t want to deal with – you won’t regret it!



    ~TD, Raleigh

    What we always appreciated most about renting from Teresa was her open communication and willingness to work with us when matters arose. Any time there was an issue like plumbing she was always very prompt to address it and we never felt like we were in limbo wondering if our landlady was going to take care of us — and that’s not often been the case with other places we’ve rented.”


    ~B. Watkins, W-S

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